About Me

So, this, as you could probably guess by literally everything, is the about me page. It's where, you guessed it, I write stuff about me. Unless you didn't. That would be sad.

So, anyways, I'm a cat sitting at a keyboard, smashing away at keys until I make a valid html document. (not furry though furries r cringe) Really though, I'm a real actual human being (totally 100% real and not fake) who likes some things, like programming, EPIK GAMIG, ranting about useless stuff, making dumb jokes, and some other stuff that is not as important as EPIK GAMIG.

I'm currently going to high school, not saying where though because I'm not dumb, and I'm working on a game in Godot (the best game engine because free and open source). I mean it might not be the best game engine in terms of some other things, but it can do pretty much all the stuff other game engines can do but it's free. Anyways, the game's not that big, but it's what I'm currently doing so I thought I'd put it here. So as you might have guessed, I'm into free software and stuff. I think that the idea of free software is great and it should probably be more popular. I use Linux, but not arch btw.

As you could guess unless you forgot my username, I'm a cat person. Dogs are ok but like not as good as cats. Cats are a lot easier to take care of and stuff. Like you just change their litter box and give them food and water and pet them sometimes and they're fine. Well it's a little more involved than that, like you should probably play with them once in a while, but they're still easier to take care of than dogs. They're also cuter. I have a dog and 2 cats, so I would know this.

For programming stuff, I usually use C++ or JS with NodeJS. I've recently been moving away from NodeJS and using C++ more often, because honestly, I like programming in C++ more, and it doesn't feel that much harder when you get used to it, at least for me. I also use D, which is a lesser known language that's like C++ but more sane, and it has some nice extra thingies. I really like the Ruby syntax style though. Something about not having to use parentheses every time I call a function makes me happy. Also there's Nim, which I try to use but ends up getting confusing because it's a lot different from other languages.

And now for the most important thing of all: EPIK GAMIG. Some of my most played games right now are Terraria and Noita. Terraria is pretty popular, and I've been playing it for a while and I don't feel like explaining it right now. Noita, though, is a bit less popular, though it's definetly not unpopular. It's a kinda physics-based roguelike game where every pixel is simulated. It's like those falling sand games, like the powder toy, but a whole game. The main focus is on wandbuilding, where you put together spells to make a really cool wand. If the game sounds interesting, here's a link: https://noitagame.com. I keep trying to get my friends to play it but they don't want to. Maybe because it's really easy to get yourself killed and have to start all over again.